Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay about Sex Discrimination - 1597 Words

Introduction Discrimination involves action toward individuals on the basis of their group membership; Baron and Byrne (1994) defined discrimination as prejudice in action. Discrimination can take a very overt form (e.g., refusal to hire women into certain jobs), but in many instances, gender discrimination involves the degree to which the workplace is open to versus resistant to the participation of women. Although many discussions of gender discrimination have focused on the ways managers and supervisors treat men and women, gender discrimination could involve managers, co-workers, subordinates, clients, or customers. In general, gender discrimination include behaviours occurring in the workplace that limit the target person’s ability†¦show more content†¦Additionally, some specific features of the workplace appear to contribute to prejudice and discrimination against both men and women. This research will try to identify and assess gender issues and discrimination in the workplace by looking at various types of sex discrimination, features of the workplace that contribute to gender discrimination, employers retaliation against workers who claim sex discrimination, and conclusively, legal ways of proving sex discrimination and their remedies. Types of Sex Discrimination The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (as amended) identifies three types of discrimination. These are: (1) direct discrimination; (2) indirect discrimination; and (3) victimisation (Chandler et al., 2003). The 1975 Act, with certain exceptions, applies equally to men and women. It not only forbids discrimination on grounds of sex or gender reassignment but discrimination also against married persons in the employment field. The 1975 Act is, of course, primarily directed towards the protection of women (SDA 1975, ss 1,2,3 4). Features of the Workplace that Contribute to Gender Discrimination Gender discrimination occurs in a number of settings. Men and women are perceived differently, are assigned different roles and are assumed to have different characteristics in most settings, for example household chores likeShow MoreRelatedSex Discrimination Essay1438 Words   |  6 Pagesyou have recently turned down Nancy Conrad for a position as sales supervisor.  Ã‚  Nancy believes the denial was due to her gender and she has filed a sex discrimination charge with the EEOC.  Ã‚  Explain the steps the EEOC will use to process the charge; include Nancy’s options during the process.  Ã‚  Determine the likelihood of success of Nancy’s discrimination claim from the EEOC data base (available through Describe the basic precautions you should take so you might prevail in her claim. 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